Six core values for your business

I read a number of e-zines each day and Craig Ballantyne’s  Early To Rise is one of these.

Craig recently wrote about six core values that drive his company and I’m borrowing them for my own enterprise.

Have a look and see if these core values suit or can be adapted to your business too:

#1 – Improve the Lives of Others

I teach valuable skills and foster the application of these skills so that my team members can improve their lives. Never forget who we are trying to help and what we are trying to accomplish. It is all about helping my colleagues and clients transform their lives.

#2 – Encourage Self-Reliance and Personal Responsibility

While Your Online Business teaches and preaches the need for and benefits of finding positive social support, networking with like-minded people, and attending educational seminars, at the end of the day it’s still your decision to follow through on all of this. It is up to YOU and you only.

#3 – Live by Example

I and my team rise early, manage our time and energy to maximize our results and we are dedicated to a life well lived. We are, of course, not “all work and no play”. Time is made for the finer things in life, enjoyed responsibly.

#4 – Concentrate on What Counts

We focus on what matters. Ignore the noise and concentrate on the big items that move the needle in your life towards your goals.

#5 – Deliver the Truth

We tell the truth and we expect others to tell the truth to us. The only way to build strong relationships among team members, with joint venture partners and with our growing network of distributors is to always be truthful.

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About Vic Cherikoff

My passion is for Australian wild foods and their outstanding nutritional value and flavors. One of my companies supplies chefs, manufacturers and foodies with wild food ingredients as we slowly develop a uniquely Australian cuisine based on these incredible foods. I also market and promote a natural antimicrobial (Herbal-Active) for food and cosmetic uses, a fruit and vegetable dipping solution called Fresher4Longer and which extends the shelf life of fresh produce (and a lot more). And I invented flavor-infused BBQ Skewers which are a great way to add delightful seasonings to anything you grill. Learn more at Another company of mine markets and promoters a nutritional beverage based on Australian wild foods. I am about to launch a crowd-funding proposal to take this product global so please subscribe at and I'll keep you updated. It will be the biggest thing for your ideal health around.
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